What Beats What in poker?

What Beats What?

A poker hand consists of your best five cards, and can take any of the following forms (from best to worst):

RankHand nameExampleDescription
1Royal FlushRoyal Flush HandDescription A Royal Flush is made out of 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, all of the same suit.
2Straight FlushStraight Flush HandDescription A Straight Flush is five cards in a row, all in the same suit.
3Four of a KindFour Of A Kind HandDescription A Four of a Kind is the same card in each of the four suits.
4Full HouseFull House HandDescription A Full House is a pair plus three of a kind in the same hand.
5FlushFlush HandDescription A Flush is five cards in the same suit, not in numerical order.
6StraightStraight HandDescription A Straight is five cards in numerical order, but not in the same suit.
7Three of a KindThree Of A Kind HandDescription Three of a Kind is three of one card and two non-paired cards.
8Two PairTwo Pair HandDescription Two Pair is two different pairings of the same card in one hand.
9One PairOne Pair HandDescription One Pair is a pairing of the same card.
10High CardHigh Card HandDescription A High Card refers to a hand with no matching cards.

A hand from higher up the list will always beat any hand below it. You can bookmark our poker hands page to have this useful information available whenever you play online, but you’ll surely learn to remember poker basics like this soon enough. You may also want to review our poker rules for beginners page.


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