Maximum decks, algorithms and shuffling than card logic

AI “Cold Poker Master” Defeats Chinese Dragon Team in Marathon Texas Hold’em Match

On April 10th at 11 AM, after a grueling four-and-a-half-day showdown, the artificial intelligence system “Lengpuzhishi” (Cold Poker Master) decisively defeated six elite poker players from China’s “Dragon Team.” This latest AI triumph quickly dominated trending news. While we’re joining the conversation, as programmers committed to advancing technology (and perhaps saving the world in our spare time), we won’t just spectate. Below is an algorithmic deep dive into Texas Hold’em mechanics – master these concepts, and you might just develop humanity’s next poker-conquering AI! (Contributed by Archy from Yunqi Community)

For newcomers: Texas Hold’em refers to the U.S. state, not China’s Dezhou city. Let’s explore key algorithms for hand evaluation and card shuffling from our recent poker server development.

1. Poker Class Definition

public class Poker {
    private String suit;  // Card suit: hearts (H), spades (S), clubs (C), diamonds (D)
    private int rank;     // Numerical value: 2-14 (Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13, Ace=14)

    public Poker(String suit, int rank) {
        this.rank = rank;
        this.suit = suit;

    // Getters/Setters omitted for brevity

    public String toString() {
        return "Suit: " + this.suit + " | Rank: " + this.rank; 

2. Shuffling Mechanism
We utilize Java’s built-in Collections.shuffle() for efficient randomization:

List<Poker> deck = initializeDeck(); // Create 52-card deck
Collections.shuffle(deck);           // O(n) Fisher-Yates shuffle

3. Hand Evaluation Algorithm
From 7 available cards (2 hole + 5 community), we generate all 21 possible 5-card combinations:

Map<Integer, List<Poker>> generateCombinations(List<Poker> sevenCards) {
    Map<Integer, List<Poker>> combinations = new HashMap<>();
    int index = 0;

    // Nested loops generate C(7,5) combinations
    for (int a=0; a<3; a++) 
        for (int b=a+1; b<4; b++) 
            for (int c=b+1; c<5; c++) 
                for (int d=c+1; d<6; d++) 
                    for (int e=d+1; e<7; e++) 
                        combinations.put(index++, Arrays.asList(
    return combinations;

4. Hand Ranking System
Each hand is encoded as a 12-digit numeric value:

[Hand Strength (2 digits)][Card1][Card2][Card3][Card4][Card5]

Example: A♦ K♠ Q♥ J♣ 10♦ (Straight) → 10 14 13 12 11 10101413121110

Special Cases:

  • Full House: Trips precede pairs (e.g., 88877 > 77788)
  • Ace-Low Straight: Treated as 5-high (A♠ 2♥ 3♦ 4♣ 5♥ → 05 04 03 02 01)

5. Hand Classification Logic

int detectHandType(List<Poker> hand) {
    int pairCount = 0;
    // Count matching ranks
    for (int i=0; i<hand.size(); i++) 
        for (int j=i+1; j<hand.size(); j++) 
            if (hand.get(i).getRank() == hand.get(j).getRank()) 

    switch(pairCount) {
        case 6: return FOUR_OF_A_KIND;    // C(4,2)=6 pairs
        case 4: return FULL_HOUSE;        // Trips + pair
        case 3: return THREE_OF_A_KIND;  
        case 2: return TWO_PAIR;
        case 1: return ONE_PAIR;
        default: return evaluateStraightOrFlush(hand); 

6. Hand Value Calculation

long calculateHandValue(List<Poker> hand, int handStrength) {
    long value = handStrength * 10_000_000_000L; 
    // Secondary sort by top individual cards
    for(int i=0; i<hand.size(); i++) {
        int multiplier = (int) Math.pow(100, 4-i); // 100^4, 100^3,..., 100^0
        value += hand.get(i).getRank() * multiplier;
    return value;

Key Takeaways:

  1. Combinatorial Analysis: Evaluating all C(7,5)=21 combinations ensures optimal hand selection
  2. Efficient Encoding: Numeric representation enables direct hand comparisons via value comparison
  3. Edge Case Handling: Special sorting rules address poker’s unique hierarchy nuances

Master these algorithmic principles, and you’ll be well-equipped to develop competitive poker AI systems. Who knows – your code might dethrone the next poker master AI!


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