Author: PokerJustice PokerJustice

  • Texas Hold’em Terminology and Strategy Refined Edition

    1. 具体牌例分析(中英文对照)

    翻牌前行动你在UTG(枪口位)持A♥A♠,率先加注3BB,CO位(关煞位)3-Bet到9BB,你选择4-Bet到20BB。4-Bet Preflop强牌(AA)对抗3-Bet时,主动加注施压,缩小对手范围(通常为KK、AK或诈唬)。
    翻牌圈策略翻牌T♦8♦3♠,你持9♦7♦(同花+顺子听牌),对手下注2/3底池,你选择跟注(Float)。Float on Flop通过跟注隐藏听牌潜力,计划在转牌成牌或诈唬。
    转牌圈诈唬转牌J♣,牌面T♦8♦3♠J♣,你未成牌但过牌-加注对手的持续下注。Turn Semi-Bluff利用J♣可能增强对手范围(如AJ)的恐惧,通过加注逼迫弃牌。
    河牌价值下注河牌2♥,最终牌面A♣K♥Q♦J♠2♥,你持T♥9♥(顺子),下注70%底池。Thin Value Bet对手可能持有AK、两对等中等牌力,小额下注引诱跟注。

    2. 数学公式与计算(关键概念)

    底池赔率底池赔率 = 跟注金额 / (当前底池 + 跟注金额)底池100BB,对手下注50BB,跟注需50BB:
    底池赔率 = 50 / (100+50) = 33.3%
    期望值(EV)EV = (胜率 × 赢取金额) – (败率 × 损失金额)听花胜率20%,跟注50BB赢200BB:
    EV = (0.2×200) – (0.8×50) = 40 – 40 = 0(零EV)
    组合数计算成牌组合 = C(n, k) = n! / [k!(n-k)!]翻牌后听花,剩余9张同花牌,计算转牌成花概率:
    9/47 ≈ 19.1%
    隐含赔率隐含赔率 = (潜在赢取额 – 当前跟注成本) / 当前跟注成本需跟注50BB,若成牌后可多赢200BB:
    隐含赔率 = (200-50)/50 = 3:1
    ICM压力模型ICM EV = Σ(各名次概率 × 对应奖金)锦标赛泡沫期,筹码量影响弃牌率,需计算保底奖金与冒险全下的期望收益差异。

    3. 综合应用示例

    • 行动分析
    1. 对手范围:按钮位开池范围较宽(约30%手牌,如Ax、同花连张、小对子)。
    2. 决策计算
      • 全下EV:假设对手弃牌率40%,跟注率60%(范围顶端:77+、AQ+)。
      • 若对手弃牌,EV = 当前底池3.5BB(盲注1.5BB + 对手开池2.5BB – 已投入1BB)。
      • 若对手跟注,66 vs 顶端范围平均胜率约35%。
      • 总EV = (0.4×3.5) + (0.6×[(0.35×21.5) – (0.65×19)]) ≈ 1.4 + (-2.3) = -0.9BB(负EV,应弃牌)。
    3. 结论:ICM压力下,短筹码需避免负EV全下,选择弃牌保生存。

    4. 概率速查表

    翻牌听同花→河牌成花≈35%翻牌后剩余9张同花牌,转牌+河牌两轮概率:1 – [(38/47)×(37/46)] ≈ 35%
    翻牌听顺子(两端)→河牌成顺≈32%8张补牌,两轮概率:1 – [(39/47)×(38/46)] ≈ 31.5%
    口袋对子翻牌击中暗三条≈12%2张补牌,三张翻牌中至少一张:1 – [(48/50)×(47/49)×(46/48)] ≈ 11.8%
    手牌AK翻牌击中顶对及以上≈32%6张A/K补牌,至少中一张:1 – [(44/50)×(43/49)×(42/48)] ≈ 32.4%


    1. 牌例训练:通过模拟软件(如PokerSnowie)输入具体手牌,验证EV计算与决策合理性。
    2. 公式记忆:将底池赔率与胜率对比(如赔率33%时,胜率需>33%才正EV)。
    3. 动态调整:针对对手类型灵活运用策略(如对“跟注站”减少诈唬,多价值下注)。
  • Texas Hold’em Poker Chinese-English Glossary (Expanded)

    坚果牌The Nuts当前牌面下的绝对最强牌型。
    慢玩Slow Play隐藏强牌引诱对手下注。
    跑马Race双方用中等牌力全下(如对A vs 同花听牌)。
    底牌陷阱Trap Hand看似弱实则强的底牌(如暗三条)。
    死亡钱Dead Money已弃牌玩家留在底池中的筹码。
    平衡范围Balanced Range混合强牌与诈唬牌,避免被对手读牌。
    反向隐含赔率Reverse Implied Odds当前跟注可能导致后续损失更大(如弱听牌)。
    ICM(独立筹码模型)ICM (Independent Chip Model)锦标赛中根据筹码量计算EV的数学模型。
    GTO(博弈论最优)GTO (Game Theory Optimal)无懈可击的策略,均衡剥削与防守。
    极化范围Polarized Range加注范围仅包含极强牌或纯诈唬牌。
    紧凶玩家TAG (Tight Aggressive)谨慎入池,但下注激进。
    松凶玩家LAG (Loose Aggressive)频繁入池,攻击性强。
    跟注站Calling Station频繁跟注但很少加注的被动玩家。
    短桌策略Short-Handed Play6人以下桌的动态调整策略。
    筹码推挤Chip Shoving短筹码时频繁全下施压。


    1. 俚语实战场景
    • “坚果牌”:翻牌发出A♠K♠5♠,你手持Q♠J♠,此时你拥有同花听牌+顺子听牌,但对手可能已形成坚果同花(A♠K♠)
    • “过牌-加注”:翻牌圈你击中暗三条,先过牌诱使对手下注,再突然加注榨取价值。
    1. 进阶策略应用
    • “GTO”:在按钮位用30%的范围开池,包含强牌(AA、AK)和诈唬牌(7♣6♣),平衡行动避免被剥削。
    • “ICM”:锦标赛泡沫期,即使持中等牌(如TT),也可能需弃牌保名次而非冒险全下。
    1. 玩家类型应对
    • “鱼”:多向其施加压力,利用其频繁跟注的漏洞。
    • “岩石玩家”:避免对其诈唬,除非牌面极度危险。

  • Texas Hold’em Poker English and Chinese Terminology Glossary

    底牌Hole Cards玩家初始获得的2张私有牌。
    皇家同花顺Royal FlushA-K-Q-J-10同花色。
    同花顺Straight Flush五张连续同花色牌。
    四条Four of a Kind四张相同点数的牌。
    葫芦Full House三条+一对。
    价值下注Value Bet预计对手跟注以获取最大价值。
    底池赔率Pot Odds跟注成本与潜在收益比率。
    冷跟注Cold Call未主动加注时连续跟注多次。
    短筹码Short Stack筹码量显著少于其他玩家。
    爆冷Bad Beat强牌意外输给弱牌。
    筹码领先者Chip Leader当前筹码最多的玩家。


    • 游戏阶段:按顺序为底牌→翻牌→转牌→河牌→摊牌。
    • 牌型强度:从上至下递减,皇家同花顺为最大牌型。
    • 策略术语:如“诈唬”常用于半诈唬(Semi-bluff,有提升潜力时虚张声势)。

  • When Texas Poker Meets Web3: AK Poker Ignites Industry Revolution

    The thrilling shouts of “Call”, “Raise”, “Double”, and “ALL IN” signal the start of an intense Texas Hold’em showdown. As blockchain technology advances, this beloved game of strategy is reaching new milestones. This article explores how Web3 integration is revolutionizing poker and how AK Poker is leading this transformation.

    I. Current Landscape & Challenges
    As the world’s most popular card game, Texas Hold’em boasts hundreds of millions of fans and hosts thousands of global tournaments annually. While top platforms like WSOP achieve monthly revenues exceeding 60 million RMB, the industry faces critical issues:

    (1) Clunky UX: Tedious deposit/withdrawal processes taking days to complete
    (2) Trust Deficits: Over 50% of platforms suspected of “pseudo-blockchain” operations with fund misappropriation risks
    (3) Fairness Concerns: Opaque algorithms and unverifiable dealing systems

    II. AK Poker’s Innovative Solutions
    Developed by poker veterans, AK Poker introduces three groundbreaking features:

    • Blockchain-integrated Accounts: Enabling transparent, real-time transactions
    • Verifiable Random Algorithm: Immutable dealing records stored on-chain
    • Staking Dividend Ecosystem: AK token holders share platform profits

    III. Technology-Driven Evolution
    AK Poker drives triple transformation:

    1) Enhanced Experience: Smart contracts enable instant transactions
    2) Trust Revolution: Zero-knowledge proof verification system
    3) Economic Innovation: DAO governance empowers player-owners

    IV. Future Vision: Poker in Metaverse
    Emerging trends include:

    • Immersive VR/AR tables with adaptive AI opponents
    • Global community through cross-chain integration
    • AI-powered personalized services via on-chain analytics

    AK Poker pioneers a secure, transparent ecosystem where entertainment meets earnings. As Web3 technology evolves, the poker industry stands poised for unprecedented innovation, reshaping how we play, compete, and connect in the digital age.

  • Epic Comebacks

    This is a heads-up match between players Reichard and Busquet. Reichard was dealt the second-best starting hand in Texas Hold’em, a pair of Kings (one of diamonds and one of spades), and raised 160,000. Busquet, holding the Ace of spades and the 2 of spades, hesitated briefly before going all-in with a bet of 1,545,000. Without a moment’s hesitation, Reichard called the all-in, matching the 1,385,000 bet.

    The flop revealed the 8 of hearts, the 8 of clubs, and the King of clubs, giving Reichard a full house.

    The turn card was the Ace of hearts, igniting a glimmer of hope for Busquet. At this point, only the Ace of diamonds and the Ace of clubs remained in the deck, and only one of these could potentially help Busquet pull off a miraculous comeback. Could a miracle happen?

    It did!! It did!! The Ace of diamonds appeared!! In an instant, the tables turned, and Busquet secured a full house with three Aces.

    Let’s congratulate Busquet for winning the 3.29 million pot.

    This is the allure of Texas Hold’em!!!

  • Check-raise

    The ability to counter check-raisers on the flop is crucial in Texas Hold’em strategy. Failing to defend against this move leaves your continuation bets vulnerable to exploitation.

    Test your skills with these 5 scenarios (answers included):

    Hand Simulations (6-max, 0.25k/0.5k blinds)

    1. UTG A♦J♣

    Effective stack 500k. Raise 12.5k preflop, BB calls.
    Flop K♥T♠5♠: You c-bet 20k → raised to 90k. Action?
    A.Fold | B.Call | C.3bet

    2. BTN 9♦9♣
    Flop 9♥7♦4♥: Check-raise to 55k. Action?
    A.Fold | B.Call | C.3bet

    3. BTN 7♠6♠ (200k stack)
    Flop T♥5♠4♠: Short-stack check-raise 50k. Action?
    A.Fold | B.Call | C.3bet All-in

    4. CO K♦J♦
    Flop T♥8♠7♠: Check-raise 55k. Action?
    A.Fold | B.Call | C.3bet

    5. BTN A♠9♥
    Flop A♥K♣J♠: Check-raise 90k. Action?
    A.Fold | B.Call | C.3bet

    Key Strategic Insights:

    • Polarized Ranges: Large check-raise often indicates nutted hands (two-pair+) or aggressive bluffs.
    • Positional Leverage: Prefer calling with position to control later streets.
    • Equity Calculation: With combo draws, consider stack depth – shove aggressively when short-stacked.
    • Blocker Effects: e.g., Holding KT in Q10-heavy boards reduces bluff-catching value by blocking common bluffs.

    Pro Tip: When facing a 3x+ check-raise on coordinated boards with marginal holdings (e.g., top pair weak kicker), folding becomes mathematically optimal in most deep-stack situations. Save your calls for hands with nut potential or strong equity realization.

  • NEW30 fun and interesting poker questions that will get you so excited about the game, you’ll want to grab your cards and start playing right away!”

    (1)What is the proper term for mixing poker cards before dealing?

    • Skiffle
    • Snuffle
    • Scuffle
    • Shuffle

    (2)What phrase means unofficial modifications to standard poker rules adopted by a group of players?

    • Under Rules
    • Boat Rules
    • Castle Rules
    • House Rules

    (3)What is another name for the house, or the person distributing the chips?

    • Actor
    • Better
    • Bank
    • Insurer

    (4)The first World Series of Poker was held in which year?

    • 2000
    • 1980
    • 1990
    • 1970

    (5)What poker term means losing all of your chips?

    • Bent
    • Broke
    • Bust
    • Burned

    (6)What is the first bet called in a poker game?

    • Andi
    • Ante
    • Army
    • Aldi

    (7)What is the highest value card in Poker?

    • One
    • Jack
    • Ace
    • Queen

    (8)Complete the name of this famous Poker game. ______ Hold’em

    • California
    • Florida
    • Texas
    • Nevada

    (9)Chinese poker, or Big Two, is usually played by how many people?

    • 6
    • 3
    • 5
    • 4

    (10)The World Series of Poker competition is played annually in which city?

    • Paris
    • London
    • New York
    • Las Vegas

    (11)A form of poker is named after which large snake?

    • Rattlesnake
    • Boa
    • Viper
    • Anaconda

    (12)What is another name for the opening bet, or ante?

    • Opened
    • Blind
    • Stake
    • Showdown

    (13)Poker is said to derive from a game called ‘poque’, played in which country?

    • Norway
    • France
    • Germany
    • Ireland

    (14)How many cards are used during Royal Hold ‘Em?

    • 20
    • 26
    • 15
    • 10

    (15)What is another name for a forced bet placed by a player?

    • Lame
    • Deaf
    • Dumb
    • Blind

    (16)What term means converting your winning chips to money after a game?

    • Cashing Down
    • Cashing Sideways
    • Cashing Out
    • Cashing Up

    (17)If your poker hand is ‘ducks’ you have a pair of which number?

    • 2
    • 4
    • 8
    • 3

    (18)Which card can be high or low?

    • King
    • Ace
    • Queen
    • Jack

    (19)What comes after ‘Card’ to describe a professional poker player?

    • Blunt
    • Double
    • Sharp
    • Single

    (20)What is the lowest value card in a queen high straight flush?

    • 5
    • 10
    • 8
    • 9

    (21)If your poker hand is ‘Bullets’, you have a pair of which card?

    • Jacks
    • Threes
    • Aces
    • Kings

    (22)As-Nas, a forerunner of Poker, was played in which part of the world?

    • South America
    • Scandinavia
    • Middle East
    • Australasia

    (23)A full house is how many of a kind, plus a pair?

    • 5
    • 3
    • 2
    • 4

    (24)What is the name for the term when players reveal their hands?

    • Showover
    • Showthrough
    • Showup
    • Showdown

    (25)Which singer had a hit with ‘Poker Face’?

    • Lady Gaga
    • Rihanna
    • Madonna
    • Katy Perry

    (26)Two variants of poker known as high or low are named after which US city?

    • Los Angeles
    • Boston
    • Chicago
    • Baltimore

    (27)Which number of card has the nicknames Nickel, Pedro or Fever?

    • 6
    • 5
    • 9
    • 7

    (28)A hand of ‘quads’ means how many cards of a kind?

    • 2
    • 4
    • 3
    • 5

    (29)Poker originated in which country?

    • New Zealand
    • United States
    • Japan
    • Germany

    (30)Wht poker hand ranks between a straight flush and a full house?

    • High card
    • Four of a kind
    • Two pairs
    • Three of a kind

    Poker Trivia Answers:

    1. Shuffle
      Mixing cards before dealing.
    2. House Rules
      Custom rules agreed by players.
    3. Bank
      Entity managing chips and funds.
    4. 1970
      First WSOP held in 1970.
    5. Bust
      Losing all chips.
    6. Ante
      Initial mandatory bet.
    7. Ace
      Highest card, can also act as low.
    8. Texas
      Famous variant: Texas Hold’em.
    9. 4
      Chinese poker typically for 4 players.
    10. Las Vegas
      Annual WSOP location.
    11. Anaconda
      Snake-named poker variant.
    12. Blind
      Forced opening bets (small/big blind).
    13. France
      Originated from French game “poque.”
    14. 20
      Royal Hold’em uses 10-Ace (20 cards).
    15. Blind
      Forced bet before dealing.
    16. Cashing Out
      Exchanging chips for money.
    17. 2
      “Ducks” = pair of twos.
    18. Ace
      Can be high or low in straights.
    19. Sharp
      “Card sharp” = skilled player.
    20. 9
      Queen-high straight flush: 9-10-J-Q-K.
    21. Aces
      “Bullets” = pair of Aces.
    22. Middle East
      As-Nas originated in Persia.
    23. 3 and 2
      Full house: three of a kind + pair.
    24. Showdown
      Final hand reveal to determine winner.
    25. Lady Gaga
      Singer of “Poker Face” (2008).
    26. Chicago
      Chicago High-Low split pot variant.
    27. 5
      Five of a suit nicknamed “Nickel.”
    28. 4
      Quads = four of a kind.
    29. United States
      Modern poker evolved in the U.S.
    30. Four of a kind
      Ranks between straight flush and full house.

  • 30 fun and interesting poker questions that will get you so excited about the game, you’ll want to grab your cards and start playing right away!”

    Poker Trivia Challenge: Test Your Knowledge

    1. How many cards are typically used in a Seven-Card Stud game?
      • 10
      • 9
      • 4
      • 7
    2. What term describes quitting a hand to avoid further bets?
      • John Doe
      • Resign
      • Death
      • Fold
    3. Which fruit-inspired name is used for a popular Hold’em variant?
      • Kiwi
      • Watermelon
      • Pineapple
      • Tangerine
    4. What’s the mandatory pre-hand bet called?
      • Behind
      • Ante
      • Back In
      • Angle
    5. How many cards do players usually receive in most poker games?
      • 10
      • 6
      • 5
      • 12
    6. What term refers to a player’s total gambling funds?
      • Ante
      • Bankroll
      • Behind
      • Backraise
    7. If your hand is nicknamed “cowboys,” what cards do you hold?
      • Nines
      • Queens
      • Kings
      • Jacks
    8. How many same-suit cards make a flush?
      • 3
      • 6
      • 5
      • 4
    9. What card can substitute for any other card?
      • Ante
      • Dummy
      • Wild
      • Blind
    10. The ancient game As Nas, a poker ancestor, came from which region?
      • India
      • China
      • Canada
      • Persia
    11. “Quads” means how many cards of the same rank?
      • 5
      • 4
      • 3
      • 2
    12. How are cards distributed in poker?
      • Alternate players
      • Three left, three right
      • Clockwise
      • Anti-clockwise
    13. Poker emerged in the U.S. during which century?
      • 19th
      • 20th
      • 16th
      • 18th
    14. Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” topped charts in which year?
      • 2008
      • 2016
      • 2012
      • 2004
    15. What term means betting aggressively with a weak hand?
      • Blowing
      • Bluffing
      • Bleating
      • Blustering
    16. Planet Poker launched online gaming in which decade?
      • 2000s
      • 1980s
      • 1990s
      • 1960s
    17. When was poker invented?
      • 21st century
      • 19th century
      • 11th century
      • 8th century
    18. How many cards do players start with in Texas Hold’em?
      • 3
      • 8
      • 4
      • 2
    19. What card can act as any value?
      • Wild
      • Heart
      • Sort
      • Low
    20. What marker indicates the current dealer?
      • Back
      • Bock
      • Buck
      • Bick
    21. A “full ring” game allows up to how many players?
      • 6
      • 9
      • 5
      • 7
    22. Five sequential cards of mixed suits form what hand?
      • Pairs
      • Flush
      • Straight
      • Full House
    23. Playing cards were first created in which country?
      • India
      • Mexico
      • Egypt
      • China
    24. A “dead man’s hand” includes two black aces and two what?
      • 6s
      • 7s
      • 8s
      • 5s
    25. What’s splitting the deck before dealing called?
      • Knife
      • Part
      • Slice
      • Cut
    26. Which Nebraska town names a Hold’em variant?
      • Norfolk
      • Omaha
      • Lincoln
      • Columbus
    27. What hand ranks just below a flush?
      • Royal
      • Pair
      • Straight
      • Full
    28. Final hand reveal to determine the winner is called a…?
      • Smackdown
      • Showdown
      • Bleed
      • Ante
    29. Adding more money to a bet is called a…?
      • Stash
      • Haul
      • Raise
      • Bank
    30. Which card is nicknamed “J-Boy” or “Lancelot”?
      • Ace
      • King
      • Queen
      • Jack

    Why It’s Fun:
    These trivia questions mix history, strategy, and pop culture to challenge your poker IQ. Whether you’re a casual player or a seasoned pro, they’re a great way to spark conversations or test your knowledge during game night!

  • Texas Hold’em Quiz: 8 Questions to Determine if You’re a Great Player

    Every Texas Hold’em player aspires to be a great player, but greatness is a relative concept. A player who consistently profits at lower stakes might become the prey at higher levels.

    This Texas Hold’em quiz consists of 8 questions about playing tendencies. Although players might make different choices in various game situations, there’s always one option in the quiz that a great Texas Hold’em player would typically choose or avoid.

    Texas Hold’em Quiz: 8 Questions to Determine if You’re a Great Player

    The questions are relatively simple, with answers and explanations provided after each question. If you get any wrong, make sure to think carefully about the explanations!

    1. Which hand would you least likely limp or call with in an early position?
      • A. 4♣4♥
      • B. K♠9♦
      • C. A♦3♦
    2. When you have strong hands like AA, KK, or QQ, what are you least likely to do?
      • A. Play cautiously against multiple opponents post-flop.
      • B. Be cautious and willing to fold when the board is wet and opponents show strong hands.
      • C. Call or raise on the river to avoid showing weakness.
    3. What is your ratio of playing hands to folding?
      • A. Play more hands than you fold.
      • B. Fold more hands than you play.
      • C. Play and fold hands roughly equally.
    4. Blinds are 250/500, and a middle-position player with 5000 chips raises to 1500, leaving 3500 chips. You look at your hand, 2♣2♥. What are you most likely to do?
      • A. Call
      • B. Fold
    5. You fold 9♥4♣ in middle position pre-flop, and the flop comes 9♦9♠4♥. What would you think?
      • A. Calling might have been a good choice.
      • B. Raising might have been a good choice.
      • C. Folding was the best choice.
    6. The under-the-gun player raises pre-flop, a middle-position player re-raises, and you fold Q♦3♣ in the small blind. The two players go heads-up to showdown. After folding, what do you usually do?
      • A. Use this time to check your phone.
      • B. Stay positive and not pay attention to how the hand develops.
      • C. Observe the active players’ actions and note their hands at showdown.
    7. If you ____ get caught bluffing, you might not be bluffing enough.
      • A. Never
      • B. Occasionally
      • C. Frequently
    8. When you have A♣A♥, which action are you least likely to take?
      • A. Limp in the small blind after all players before you fold.
      • B. Limp in under-the-gun position.
      • C. Call after a player in early position raises and two players call.

    Answers and Explanations:

    1. Best Answer: B
      Great players avoid playing marginal hands like K♠9♦ in early positions. They might limp with small pocket pairs or weak suited Aces to see the flop cheaply.
    2. Best Answer: C
      Great players understand the risks of overplaying big pairs, especially against multiple opponents or on coordinated boards.
    3. Best Answer: B
      Great players are selective with their starting hands, often folding more than they play.
    4. Best Answer: B
      Great players know that calling with 22 in this spot isn’t worth it due to the low odds of hitting a set.
    5. Best Answer: C
      Great players don’t regret folding weak hands like 9♥4♣, as they know it’s a poor starting hand.
    6. Best Answer: C
      Great players pay attention to the actions of other players, especially at showdown, to gather valuable information.
    7. Best Answer: A
      If you’ve never been caught bluffing, you might not be bluffing enough. Great players occasionally get caught bluffing.
    8. Best Answer: C
      Great players rarely just call with AA after a raise and multiple calls. They might limp in early positions or the small blind to disguise their hand.

    How many did you get right? If you aced all 8, you’re undoubtedly a great Texas Hold’em player!

    My Interpretation:

    This quiz is designed to test your understanding of fundamental Texas Hold’em strategies and tendencies. Great players are not just about winning hands but also about making disciplined decisions, such as folding weak hands, avoiding overplaying strong hands, and paying attention to opponents’ behaviors. The questions highlight key concepts like position, hand selection, and bluffing frequency, which are crucial for long-term success in poker. If you answered most questions correctly, it shows you have a solid grasp of these principles. If not, the explanations provide valuable insights to improve your game.

  • Derby Test: Are you sure you got all 10 of these pre-flip basic questions right?

    Pre-flop is the most crucial round in Texas Hold’em poker. You must make a pre-flop decision for every hand you play! Players with a solid pre-flop strategy will find it easier to make post-flop decisions and achieve better returns.

    This poker quiz presents 10 pre-flop basic questions to test your understanding of pre-flop techniques. Each question has only one correct answer, and the answers and explanations are provided at the end. Let’s see if you can get them all right!

    Poker Quiz: Can You Ace These 10 Pre-Flop Basics?

    All questions assume you’ve just joined a 100bb deep Legend Poker cash game table with no prior knowledge of your opponents.


    1. LJ position player opens to 2.5bb, and everyone folds to you in the Big Blind with 22. What do you do?
      A. Fold
      B. Call
      C. 3bet
    2. HJ position player opens to 2.5bb, and you’re in the CO with JJ. What do you do?
      A. Fold
      B. Call
      C. 3bet
    3. CO player opens to 2.5bb, and you 3bet to 8bb from the Button with KK. The blinds fold, and the CO 4bets to 22.5bb. What do you do?
      A. Fold
      B. Call
      C. All-in
    4. Button player opens to 2.5bb, Small Blind folds, and you’re in the Big Blind with 96 suited. What do you do?
      A. Fold
      B. Call
      C. 3bet
    5. Button player opens to 2.5bb, and you’re in the Small Blind with 99. What do you do?
      A. Fold
      B. Call
      C. 3bet
    6. HJ player opens to 2.5bb, CO folds, and you’re on the Button with AQ suited. What do you do?
      A. Fold
      B. Call
      C. 3bet
    7. Button player opens to 2.5bb, Small Blind folds, and you’re in the Big Blind with A7 suited. What do you do?
      A. Fold
      B. Call
      C. 3bet
    8. LJ player opens to 2.5bb, HJ folds, and you’re in the CO with A5 suited. What do you do?
      A. Fold
      B. Call
      C. 3bet
    9. HJ player opens to 2.5bb, CO and Button fold, and you’re in the Small Blind with AT suited. What do you do?
      A. Fold
      B. Call
      C. 3bet
    10. CO player opens to 2.5bb, Button and Small Blind fold, and you’re in the Big Blind with K7 offsuit. What do you do?
      A. Fold
      B. Call
      C. 3bet

    Answers and Explanations:

    1. Answer: B (Call)
      Small pocket pairs like 22 have enough equity to call profitably but aren’t strong enough to 3bet for value. They also lack blocking effects, making 3bet bluffs less effective.
    2. Answer: C (3bet)
      JJ is well ahead of HJ’s opening range and has enough equity to 3bet for value. If called, JJ still performs well against this range.
    3. Answer: C (All-in)
      KK dominates CO’s range and should be played aggressively. Slow-playing with KK is risky, whereas AA might consider trapping.
    4. Answer: B (Call)
      96 suited has enough equity against the Button’s wide opening range. Its potential to hit straights or flushes makes it a profitable call.
    5. Answer: C (3bet)
      Playing from the Small Blind is tricky since you’re not the last to act. A “3bet or fold” strategy is recommended, and 99 is strong enough to 3bet for value and protection.
    6. Answer: C (3bet)
      AQ suited is strong enough to 3bet for value against an HJ open. It performs well if called.
    7. Answer: B (Call)
      A7 suited is a good call against the Button’s wide range. While 3betting isn’t bad, hands like AJ suited or J8 suited are better candidates for 3betting.
    8. Answer: C (3bet)
      A5 suited is an excellent semi-bluff 3bet candidate due to its blocking effects, equity when called, and post-flop playability.
    9. Answer: C (3bet)
      AT suited isn’t a clear value 3bet, but since you’re not the last to act, calling risks facing a squeeze from the Big Blind. 3betting maximizes EV by protecting your range.
    10. Answer: A (Fold)
      K7 offsuit is too weak to defend, even with good pot odds. Its lack of connectivity and suitedness makes it difficult to realize equity, making it an easy fold.

    Final Thoughts:

    This quiz is a great way to test and refine your pre-flop decision-making skills. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, understanding these fundamentals is key to improving your overall poker strategy. How many did you get right? Let me know if you’d like more quizzes or strategy tips! 🃏